Marine Service in Chattogram

Marine Service in Chattogram

Marine Service in Chattogram, Provision, Ship Stores, Spare Parts Supplier & Exporter

                     All Kinds of Marine Service Provider Company

                                At Chattogram Port, Bangladesh.

We strive to meet customer needs and requirements at all times and wherever possible without compromising from our quality Marine Service in Chattogram. By achieving product and Service excellence through teamwork and continuously improving work process.

Memoir Company Limited Bangladesh has been a stalwart in the maritime industry, specializing in ship supply services. Nestled in the bustling port city of Chattogram, Bangladesh, we have seamlessly crafted a legacy in providing top-notch solutions to our clients.

“Our primary goal is to first provide our clients with the highest standards in quality and service and then maintain these standards throughout the relationship in order to provide them the consistency they require and deserve.”

As Ship Chandlers, we have an excellent infrastructure and are thus able to assist you in:

Full Service Marine Supply – Deck Stores, Engine Stores, Cabin Stores & Bonded Supplies

Provisions – Fresh and frozen, Dry food and vegetables

Safety Equipment, Inspections, Lifeboats, Elevators, Extinguishers With Certificates

Marine Spare Parts Supplier & Exporter worldwide.

As a seasoned player in the realm of ship supply, we pride ourselves on delivering a diverse range of services. Whether you require provisions, bonded stores, BA charts and publications, safety equipment, or deck and engine stores, Memoir Company Limited Bangladesh stands ready to meet your needs with efficiency and precision.,

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